Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Focusing on the Market Research Society (MRS), does its code of Essay
Concentrating on the Market Research Society (MRS), does its set of principles assume a powerful job in overseeing research in this nation thus help ensure defenseless gatherings - Essay Example The key zones that MRS centers in the assurance of helpless individuals are assent and insurance of individual information. As per MRS set of accepted rules, scientists ought to guarantee that investment in the explores depends on intentional and educated assent. Then again, MRS consistently perceives youngsters and kids as defenseless people. In that capacity, assent from a parent or watchman is required before research. Scientists are exhorted not to include minors in concentrates on items and themes which are disallowed for their age gathering (Sarstedt and Mooi, 2014). MRS has contributed a great deal of assets and time in guaranteeing that the business research segment acknowledges and comprehends the information security laws. MRS offers preparing programs, legitimate and measures briefings, and direction to individuals from the exploration network. Moreover, MRS gives provincial battles on the subjects of information security and information insurance. In spite of the fact that MRS perceives the need to refresh the current laws on account of propelling innovation in the field, business ought not neglect the current structure. At the point when organizations have an away from of the set of principles in the examination field, they can direct and settle on choices on information assortment and use, with certainty that they meet the lawful duties. It isn't just the organizations that advantage yet additionally the defenseless gatherings associated with the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Is persuasion ethical? Essay
This basic inquiry has connected with researchers and specialists the same. Aristotle and Plato examined it. Machiavelli addressed it. So have current correspondence researchers and social clinicians. Furthermore, you can wager that practitionersâ€Tommy Hunger, Phil Knight, Donna Karan, even Michael Jordanâ€have given it a passing idea, most likely while in transit to the bank. However influence morals request thought. As people we need to be treated with deference, and we esteem interchanges that treat others as a closures, not a methods, to utilize Immanuel Kanf s well known expression. At the comparable time, we are useful animals, who need to accomplish our objectives, regardless of whether they are money related, social, passionate, or profound. The achievement of goalsâ€money, regard, love, or strict fulfillment†necessitates that we impact others in some style incidentally. Is the need to impact opposite with the moral treatment of individuals? A few researchers would state it generally is. Plato, who viewed truth as â€Å"the just reality throughout everyday life, †was annoyed by powerful correspondence (Golden et al. , 2000, p. 17). As, he viewed talk as a type of praise that spoke to people’s most exceedingly terrible impulses. In spite of the fact that Plato believed in a perfect talk admirably made out of truth and profound quality, he didn't feel that normal influence matched this norm. The German thinker Immanuel Kant would see influence as improper for an assorted explanation: In his view, it utilizes individuals, regarding them as intends to the persuader’s end, not as acknowledged finishes in themselves (Borchert and Stewart, 1986). This abuses Kant’s moral standards. Likewise, Thomas Nilsen (1974) has contended that influence is unethical on the grounds that a communicator is attempting to urge somebody to accomplish something that is in the communicator’s wellbeing, yet not basically to the greatest advantage of the individual accepting the message. As obliging as these points of view may be, they set up a fairly high bar for human correspondence to reach. What’s more, these creators will in general bump all enticing correspondence together. A few correspondences are positively bogus, intended to control individuals by speaking to base feelings, or are in light of a legitimate concern for the sender and not the collector. Yet, others are most certainly not. A few messages make extremely shrewd interests, in view of rationale and proof. Furthermore, not all persuaders treat individuals as a methods. Specialists and wellbeing experts commonly accord customers a lot of regard. The best advocates treat every individual as one of a kind, a strange fortune to be deciphered and comprehended. Numerous individuals who do chip in workâ€such as the individuals who counsel teenagers in a tough situation or AIDS victimsâ€do not get incredible budgetary profit by their work. Their correspondences can be incredibly much to the greatest advantage of those getting the message. On the other extraordinary are rationalists who contend that influence is essentially good. Taking note of that individuals are allowed to perceive or dismiss a communicator’s message, moderate scholars will in general grasp influence. Accepting that individuals are satisfactorily judicious to recognize truth and deception, libertarian researchers contend that society is best served by assorted enticing interchanges that run the range from totally honest to absolutely misleading (Siebert, Peterson, and Schramm, 1956). Influence, they state, is superior to pressure, and individuals are in any episode allowed to acknowledge or dismiss the communicator’s message. There is some understanding in this point of view. Notwithstanding, to state that influence is inherently good is an outrageous, total explanation. To assume that individuals are able to do maturely dismissing controlling communicators’ messages innocently ignores cases in which trusted yet detestable individuals misuse others’ weakness. What of men who deceive or lure ladies and afterward exploit their reliance to request included sexual and passionate favors? Maybe we would contend that the ladies decided to engage with the menâ€they’re convinced, not coercedâ€but it is merciless to suggest that such influence is good. Besides, the possibility that all correspondence should begin some place and that the individual or association that it begins from impacts the manner in which the correspondence is communicated (Forsyth, D. R. , and Kelley, K. N. 1994). The possibility that all correspondence heads off to some place that the sender’s perspective on what the crowd resembles will impact how they outline their correspondence, yet that the recipient will likewise will in general take their own implications from the correspondence, regardless of what was expected in any case. Similarly as understudies on a course should need to work in an assortment of organizations, so likewise they ought to need to manage a decent variety of crowds so the impact of crowd on what is said and in what manner will be strengthened. All correspondence is assembled in view of some reason, regardless of whether the sender is completely mindful of what this is. Once more, one can comprehend the correspondence and its belongings better on the off chance that one is completely mindful of what the genuine reason for it is. It must become evident that what we think someone’s reason for existing is, is more critical than what it really is. The understudies will come to comprehend that we follow up on propositions when disentangling messages. The physical or social circumstance wherein the correspondence happens will continually influence how it is comprehended, and will maybe influence how it is assembled in any case. As far as relational and gathering correspondence, it is in any event supportive to talk about or recreate models which might be portrayed as open or private circumstances to get over the power of this idea. Have a go at getting a student to pretend conduct in open that they would generally use at home, and the point will have been made (Dunbar, N. E. , and Allen, T. H. 2003). All correspondence must be placed into some structure, for example, discourse or pictures. Assorted structures have various characteristics, and various focal points and detriments. The structure utilized influences how the correspondence is assembled and comprehended. Viable communicators weigh up the remuneration of the different types of correspondence available to them. It is regularly the situation that we utilize more than each kind of correspondence in turn. The quantity of structures that might be utilized with the help of TV in a nightly news communicate is an a valid example. Understudies must be permitted to settle on choices concerning the utilization of types of correspondence during their course. They should rehearse the shows of the structure or organization. On an increasingly advanced level they should catch the possibility that the medium is without a doubt the message, and that a similar message is changed in different manners once cast in a structure other than its unique. References: Borchert, D. M. , and Stewart, D. (1986). Investigating morals. New York: Macmillan. Canary, D. J. , and Spitzberg, B. H. (1990). Attribution predispositions and relationship between struggle systems and capability outcomes.Communication Monographs, 57, 139-151. Cooper, M. D. , and Nothstine, W. L. (1998). Force influence: Moving an antiquated craftsmanship into the media age. (second ed. ). Greenwood, IN: Educational Video Group. Dunbar, N. E. , and Allen, T. H. (2003, May). Toward a message-focused way to deal with attributions in regards to relational clash. Paper introduced at the gathering of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA. Forsyth, D. R. , and Kelley, K. N. (1994). Attribution in gatherings: Estimations of individual commitments to aggregate undertakings. Little Group Research, 25, 367-3
Friday, August 21, 2020
Critiques of Alfred Marshalls theories( neoclassical theory and
Critiques of Alfred Marshall's theories( neoclassical theory and Critiques of Alfred Marshall's theories( neoclassical theory and supply and demand theory); how can we use his theories in business â€" Coursework Example > Critique Of Alfred Marshall’s Theory Critique Of Alfred Marshall’s Theory Critique Of Theories Various theories provided by Alfred Marshall have been criticized by different researchers. The theory of demand and supply that states that as the price of a particular good or service increases have been heavily criticized by Sraffa who states that in order for the theory of demand and supply to stand its ground it is necessary for both demand and supply operate in an independent manner and cannot depend on each other. Another reason Sraffa provided for criticizing the model is that in order for a supplier to restrict his/her production of goods it is much necessary for the resources to be available in restricted amounts (Keen, 2010). In other words, Sraffa stated that price cannot restrict supply; instead it is the availability of raw material that restricts supply. The theory of marginal utility provided by Marshall has even been severely criticized. One of the criticisms regardi ng the theory of diminishing marginal utility is that utility or the benefits that an individual derives from the consumption of a particular good or service cannot be measured (Rima, 2012). Marshall states that utility and diminishing marginal utility can be measured and its increase and decrease can even be measured. But criticizers state that the utility is psychological in nature and is dependent on the mental state of an individual and cannot be measured. Furthermore the theory is criticized because it cannot be universally applied (Sivagnanam, 2010). This is because consumption of certain goods and services may never satisfy a consumer and he may continue to demand more. For example: a person who is alcoholic cannot stop drinking as with every drink he wants more alcohol. The theory of neo-classical economics that was developed by Marshall has even experienced criticism. Marshall believed that human beings are rational beings and they make purchasing and consumption decision s based on costs and benefits. This aspect of the theory has been criticized on the grounds that that various activities conducted by an individual cannot be categorized as rational and human beings do not always take in to consideration the benefits and disadvantage of a purchasing decision while making a purchase (Amann, 2011). This is true because various purchasing and consumption decisions of an individual are made without identifying the advantages and disadvantages associated with them. Business Application Of Marshall’s Theory The law of demand that was identified by Marshall can be applied for various purposes in real life business scenarios. One way of applying the concept of law of demand to a particular business would be while a business determines the prices of goods and services it is offering. The law state that demand rises as price falls and demand falls as price rises. This concept can be applied to business in order to attract more customers. If a particular business is not being able to sell enough goods and services then it needs to compare the prices of the goods that the business has set with the prices of the goods at which a competitor is selling. If the prices of the goods of the competitor are lower than the business’s prices then that would suggest that the business needs to decrease its prices in order to sell more goods and services. The concept of diminishing marginal utility can be used by a business in order to identify why the demand for its particular goods and services are declining. If a particular business is experiencing decline in the number of goods it is selling in the market. The business may need to conduct market research and identify the reason. For example: certain goods such as warm clothes have higher demand during winter season. This means that the demand for such clothes during summer season will be low since during that period of the year the utility obtained from consuming warm clothes decline for the customers. Therefore, the supplier of warm clothes can identify why the demand of warm clothes decrease during summer season. Conclusion Alfred Marshall provided the world of economics with various theories including demand and supply theory, diminishing marginal utility and he even contributed heavily to the position of new-classical economics. Bibliography Keen, S. (2010). Debunking economics: the naked emperor of the social sciences. London [u. a.], Zed Books. Rima, I. H. (2012). Development of Economic Analysis. Hoboken, Taylor and Francis. http: //www. 123library. org/book_details/? id=86596. Sivagnanam, K. J., Srinivasan, R. (2010). Business economics. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill. Amann, W., Spitzeck, H. (2011). Business schools under fire: humanistic management education as the way forward. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Issue Of Child Labour In China Free Essay Example, 11000 words
In China, child labor has come to the attention of human rights organizations as well as international bodies in recent years. In April 2006, the International Labour Organisation(ILO) published a report entitled the End of Child Labour: Within Reach. The report indicated that there had been an 11 percent decrease in child labor worldwide over the previous four years. However, because of the failure of the Chinese government to publish any meaningful statistics on child labor, the report admitted that it was impossible to know whether or not there has been a similar trend in China (ILO, 2006). Indeed, research by the China Labour Bulletin (CLB) indicates however that child labor has not been reduced in any significant degree. On the contrary, it has now become an increasingly serious social problem in urgent need of redress (CLB, 2007). According to a UNICEF report of May 2006, there were 218 million children engaged in child labor worldwide in 2004 (excluding child domestic labor), more than half of whom are believed to be engaged in hazardous work These children are extremely vulnerable to exploitation and abuse(UNICEF, 2006). We will write a custom essay sample on The Issue Of Child Labour In China or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now As is the case with other regions of the world, child labor is hardly a new phenomenon in China. In fact, according to Watson (1980), until 1949, China had one of the largest and most comprehensive markets for the change of human beings in the world. In particular, he noted how, until early in the twentieth century, Chinese coal and tin mines relied heavily on child labor, especially from boy slaves purchased by mine owners (Watson, 1981). Since the 1949 revolution, although traditional slavery and related practices have been in sharp decline, child labor has increased (Watson, 1981). According to Hardy (2007), there are currently more than 12 million child laborers in China. These are usually to be found in low-level service positions or in labor-intensive industries. According to the Bureau of International Labour Affairs with the US Department of Labour, the accurate estimate of children working in China is not available.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sat Essay Samples 6 - Overview
Sat Essay Samples 6 - Overview The One Thing to Do for Sat Essay Samples 6 Yes, colleges are supplied with student essays. Colleges that don't require the SAT Essay fall into the consider and don't consider camps. Essays must consist of thesis statements. Introduction, Body and Conclusion When you make an outline, it makes it possible to concentrate on the essay. In a nutshell, it provides you directions to make an impressive essay. Informative essay writing is an art that each student should master. Your essay rating will appear on every score report you send to colleges, no matter whether the school demands an essay. ACT makes it hard to obtain a replica of your Writing essay, but College Board includes it as part of your internet report. Among the examples given is to make certain you are in possession of a lengthy essay. Thesis statements have to be direct and focused. A thesis statement expresses the principal idea of the entire essay. It will be included the introductory paragraph of your essay along with a basic summary of the main ideas that will be discussed throughout your essay. The Good, the Bad and Sat Essay Samples 6 Every one of the body paragraphs of your writing is going to be filled with all the required evidence and processed diligently! Your handwriting should be of average dimensions and it has to legible, it not you'll be penalized. An outline also enables you to plan your writing by providing you a very clear awareness of direction when transitioning from 1 point to the next. You will be provided information on how best to capture the grader's attention particularly in the initial and last paragraph which is remarkably important. One of the absolute most important skills an engineer has is the capacity to present their ideas verbally and in writing. It's possible for you to observe factual evidence as non-numerical details. To be certain you get a high score you will need to remember to understand your assignment is to at all times take only ONE stance on the issue presented to you. Be ready to be patient as you'll have to wait in line before making your way to the testing center. If you find a weird question that don't have any idea what things to do with, the remedy is just to ask a friend. As it is not possible to understand the precise question you're going to be presented with, it is a lousy idea to enter the test without a well-thought-out strategy. In case you have any further questions, don't hesitate to speak to us for a completely free consultation. After the brief information is provided, a question is going to be asked. The site is full of different sort of content on any question you might have. The Basics of Sat Essay Samples 6 You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Immediately For many students the SAT Essay is really the most nerve-wracking portion of the SAT test. Realize that you've only 25 minutes to compose your SAT essay. The SAT is a standardized test and has to always be scored in the same way. At test centers outside the united states, the SAT is currently only administered four times per year vs. five times for the ACT. Your SAT scorer will probably do the exact same. Adhere to the presented tips and you ought to be well on your way to compose a kicker SAT essay. The simple fact that colleges will want to understand your score is correct, but what they think about it isn't as clear. The key for an ideal score on the SAT essay is to utilize your time wisely and remain centered on the job. It is essential to remain true to yourself and to concentrate on what you would like to do, not what a college would like you to do. Students often live on budget and can't afford expensive paper aid. Many students discover that the ACT closely resembles the kinds of tests they're utilised to taking in school, although completing the science section can be challenging.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
For Marxist free essay sample
# 8217 ; s, The Problems Facing Humanity Arise Not From Nature, But From Society. Discuss Essay, Research Paper We are invariably bombarded with ocular images of the jobs confronting humanity every twenty-four hours in the intelligence, from overpopulation and dearth to AIDS and the nursery consequence, and more frequently than non these are presented to us as # 8216 ; natural # 8217 ; happenings. In fact, concern for the environment has reached such a febrility pitch that a Green political party has emerged to garner these # 8216 ; cognizant # 8217 ; ballots. But how # 8216 ; cognizant # 8217 ; are they? Marxists would hold us believe that the jobs confronting humanity derive entirely from society and that any denial of this is a consequence of our conditioning within the capitalist system. In this essay I aim to analyze this Marxist reading of the state of affairs world finds himself in via the usage of several instance surveies and a comparing with the Green motion. The outgrowth of a # 8216 ; Green # 8217 ; political party that promises to concentrate most of its attending on envir onmental issues is symbolic of a recent displacement in society # 8217 ; s attitude that can be partially attributed to the attempts of administrations such as Friends of the Earth. For many old ages these administrations have run runs with rubrics like # 8220 ; Help the Earth fight back # 8221 ; , that are aimed at increasing society # 8217 ; s consciousness of environmental issues ; foregrounding the ecological jobs acid rain, the nursery consequence and atomic power etcetera, will do in the hereafter. They claim that # 8220 ; [ mankind ] knows plenty to change by reversal [ some of ] the [ environmental ] harm, and to pull off the Earth # 8217 ; s amazing wealth more reasonably and sustainably. But the political will to convey about such a transmutation is still missing # 8221 ; ( Friends of the Earth, day of the month unknown ) . The Green # 8217 ; s have attempted to offer society this will. Formed about twenty old ages ago the bulk of Greenss are deterministically ecocentric, believing that adult male is portion of the planetary ecosystem and topic to # 8216 ; natural # 8217 ; bounds ( on population and economic growing ) . Their ecological stanc e emerged as a consequence of dissatisfaction with the bing anthropocentric universe position that # 8220 ; license [ s ] the human species to work the remainder of nature as if from above and outside it # 8221 ; ( Capra and Spretnak, 1984, ppxxiv ) . Rather than this exploitatory relationship the ecocentric position prefers to emphasize mankind # 8217 ; s need to re-relate with nature via the acceptance of an anti-industrial ( and hence anti-capitalist ) political orientation and a return to a more fundamental way-of-life. This formal political # 8216 ; policy # 8217 ; is the manifestation of the Green # 8217 ; s primary concern, that # 8220 ; modern engineering is out of control, endangering the balance between human society and the natural universe # 8221 ; ( Richards, 1989 ) . This radical position does nevertheless, have its defects. The first job is that the Green # 8217 ; s Utopian vision of a return to a pre-industrial society would ensue in them being unable to est ablish an effectual planetary response to some of the planetary menaces that face humanity, since the technological expertness which would hold necessarily developed and solved the jobs would non be pursued. As Frank Richards ( 1989 ) says in an article for Populating Marxism, # 8220 ; the experience of history is that every progress creates new jobs but that it besides creates the agencies of work outing them # 8221 ; , a fact the Green # 8217 ; s do non look to set much accent on. From a similar Marxist point of view, the Green # 8217 ; s want of an economic status-quo would ensue in the relationship between the labor and middle class besides staying inactive, forestalling the release of the # 8216 ; prole # 8217 ; via the contradictions inherent in capitalist society, and the decease of any # 8216 ; possible # 8217 ; for a socialist province. Although this may well forestall farther industrial end product and pollution in the short-run, Marxists would reason that the actu ating power of capital ( linked to our conditioning in a capitalistic manner of production ) would ensue in a return to the bing form of production, and therefore pollution, in the long-run. Equally far as the Marxist would be concerned this effort to work out the environmental jobs via the use of the superstructure, instead than the political reform ( non regress as the Green # 8217 ; s would hold us believe ) of the base, is a halfhearted effort, doomed to failure. So, if a Marxist review of the Green # 8217 ; s can cut down their political credibleness, what do they themselves have to offer in footings of an analysis of the current menaces to humanity? Marxist # 8217 ; s believe that before you can understand any alteration ( political, economic, environmental etc. ) , you foremost necessitate to understand the procedures that keep society reproducing ; these procedures are the material procedures of production and distribution of nutrient, goods and services ( Matley, 1966 ) . They see this productive activity as a manner of obtaining a agency of subsistence through interacting with nature via the drudging activities of work forces, and that through this labour both adult male and nature alteration ; # 8220 ; in the procedure of battle against nature, adult male non merely changes the character of nature, but besides himself, by geting new qualities, wonts and experience # 8221 ; ( Matley, 1966 ) . The theoretical logical thinking behind this premise, that adult male and nature alteration in unison, is that the transmutation of nature allows # 8220 ; an expanded reproduction of productive forces # 8221 ; ( Corbridge, 1986 ) over clip, which enables society to be at a higher degree, in both demographic and mercenary footings. With society and nature developing as a consequence of adult male # 8217 ; s labour, it follows that adult male must besides develop ; enabling him to make continually higher rational planes which demand the satisfaction of ass ociated new demands and wants. Once these new demands and wants have been satisfied, as they inevitably will be, adult male will make an even higher plane of being through the farther development of nature, that will make a new set of demands and wants, and so the futile effort to fulfill humanity # 8217 ; s insatiate lecherousness for # 8216 ; more # 8217 ; continues ( this procedure is known as a dialectic and was seen by Marx as the logical development of society ; halting merely when everyone was fulfilled in what would so hold become a socialist province ) . For Marxist # 8217 ; s, this thrust to continually accomplish # 8216 ; more # 8217 ; is an built-in portion of the capitalist system, whereby # 8216 ; more # 8217 ; translates as the potency for the middle class to increase the sum of capital they have accumulated, either via consumers increased ingestion or by manufacturers progressively efficient production. For the middle class to maximize excess value ( net inco me ) , they have to guarantee that the exchange value is greater than the sum of labor invested in the merchandise. However, to sell the merchandise ( which is a requirement to doing net income ) , it is necessary for the labour force to hold plenty buying power to represent a important market. It hence follows that to supply adequate work to hold a work force that can purchase the merchandise and to make a continually widening profit-margin ( excess value ) , production must invariably spread out ( Smith, 1984 ) . This # 8216 ; enlargement at all costs syndrome # 8217 ; is related to the current manner of production and can be viewed as one of the primary accounts for # 8216 ; industrial # 8217 ; pollution of the environment, since # 8220 ; the thrust for short-run net income forces capitalists to ignore the possible long-run dangers of industrial procedures # 8230 ; .. [ and ] policies to protect and conserve natural resources are antithetical to profit-making # 8221 ; ( Ri chards, 1989 ) . This position that it is capitalist economy and capitalists who are to fault for the current jobs confronting humanity contrasts starkly with the Green # 8217 ; s who believe that it is # 8220 ; modern engineering [ which ] is out of control # 8221 ; ( Richards, 1989 ) ; a singular accomplishment for inert machinery. One of the best, although non the most widely appreciated, illustrations of this myopic involvement in short-run capital accretion taking to environmental jobs, is in the agriculture industry # 8211 ; a sector that is usually perceived as # 8216 ; caring # 8217 ; about nature. In recent old ages developments in Western agricultural patterns have resulted in there being huge additions in the outputs of most harvests, so much so that immense mountains of nutrient are now being stored in warehouses to maintain monetary values unnaturally high. However, although these new patterns have increased the husbandmans ( the middle class ) short-run net incom es, concerns are now mounting that their long-run hereafter as nutrient manufacturers may be in uncertainty as a consequence of their short-run activities holding a damaging consequence on dirt birthrate ( Curtis, Courtney and Trudgill, 1976 ) ; # 8220 ; in its uncontrolled thrust for catholicity, capitalist economy [ has ] create [ vitamin D ] new barriers to its ain hereafter # 8221 ; ( Smith, 1984 ) . The patterns doing the most concern are the high inputs of unreal fertilizers, chemical pesticides, weedkillers and the usage of machinery ( as opposed to machinery itself ) ; all elements introduced to increase the short-run efficiency of the dirt. These patterns have resulted in the eutrophication of rivers and H2O, land pollution with antibiotics used in carnal raising, impairment in dirt drainage and construction through over plowing, dirt eroding following hedgerow remotion for larger more # 8216 ; efficient # 8217 ; Fieldss and a long-run pH lessening through increasing us age of inorganic fertilizers ( Curtis, Courtney and Trudgill, 1976 ) . Although some of these patterns have been scientifically proven harmful to the environment ( such as inorganic fertilizers ) , all of them will go on to be utilised by the husbandman ( the middle class ) since they guarantee their economic endurance. This type of scheme, prosecuting anything that increases the profit-margin, is adopted through all types of industry, including those that have the possible to change the environment on a planetary graduated table. Marxist’s position this as the middle class trying to project the costs of production to society, so that they, as the proprietor of the production installation, incur less of them. They believe that capitalists are improbable to recycle residues or take pollutants from industrial production at their ain cost ( cut downing their net income ) when these costs can be diffused throughout society as metals in the air, acerb rain or chemicals in the sea. Neither would the current Green position that ‘the defiler pays’ work, since the middle class would necessarily project the costs by go throughing them on to the consumer instead than diminishing their net incomes. So, in the instance of pollutant orientated jobs, the Marxist position offers an priceless penetration into the analysis of why the job is every bit big as it is but, unlike the Green’s, appears to do few suggestions as to how they can be solved. Predictably, the response they do do is that under a socialist manner of production there would neer be an environmental crisis, since the factor doing the job, capitalist economy, would no longer be. Alternatively of working for private addition, people would â€Å"lose [ their ] preoccupation with private interests†preferring alternatively to â€Å"find their ain felicity in working for the good of all†( Singer, 1980 ) , the consequence being that excesses in the signifier of pollution would be a thing of the yesteryear. However, Marxist’s believe the lone manner they will of all time accomplish this end ( of a socialist manner of production ) is if the full development of productive forces returns unabated. They see the division of society into categories as the consequence of deficient production, so growing towards a sufficiency is needed before people will get down to believe about the construction of the society in which they live ; in this sense they see engineering as an emancipatory force for the labor ( Smith, 1984 ) . But what is sufficient? And will this province of sufficiency of all time be reached by everyone, every bit long as capitalists continue to work the working-class? In my sentiment ’sufficient’ for the multitudes is apt to be a considerable map of ‘that which the capitalists have got’ . However, they are neer likely to accomplish this since any betterment in the criterion of life for the labor is merely traveling to be as a consequence of a treble addition for the middle class, an equation that culminates in the sufficiency-threshold increasing. So, if the Marxist’s are expecting the reaching of sufficiency for the labor before any social revolution Begins, they are, in my sentiment, likely to be waiting a long-time ; so long in fact, that at the present rate of environmental impairment, they may non desire to ‘inherit’ the decrepid remains of a society t hey have been patiently ‘waiting’ ( instead than politically ‘fighting’ ) for. So far, I have merely included in my survey of the jobs confronting humanity, those wide environmental jobs that can be attributed to capitalist society’s thrust to roll up capital in the short-run ; no treatment holding taken topographic point on other pressing issues such as overpopulation. But before I can discourse this, I must foremost clear up what is meant by the term ‘overpopulation’ . In an article in The Independent ( 23/4/92 ) Prince Charles was quoted as stating â€Å"the issues of population growing and poorness [ need to be addressed ] in the same breath†, a logical nexus. However, we may besides state that overpopulation is evidenced by the being of people who do non hold plenty to eat, since this is an component of poorness, and it is this that I am traveling to concentrate on. When we see newsreel on dearths such as those in Ethiopia a nd Sudan we usually see Michael Berk presenting them as ‘natural disasters’ , but this does non needfully follow. Rather than the dearth being the consequence of overpopulation or the absolute inability of the Earth to bring forth any more nutrient, it could good be the consequence of some of the population being unable to purchase ( or trade ) the nutrient, merely as a consequence of economic sciences ( although true this is non ever true ) . For Marxist’s this is more likely to be the instance, establishing their analysis of nutrient deficits on Marx’s theoretical ‘reserve army’ . Marx showed that it was cardinal to the operation of a capitalist system that wages must be kept every bit low as possible ( to increase excess value ) and that to make this there must be a pool of unemployed labor ( the modesty ground forces ) . This ‘pool’ acts as a sedative to pay degrees since there are a uninterrupted watercourse of unemployed peo ple waiting to take any places if the residents decide to strike for more rewards ; the competition for occupations maintaining the rewards low. The consequence of this ‘pool’ is that the unemployed and the marginally employed battle to purchase plenty nutrient to last. This Marxist reading of a monolithic population enduring from nutrient deficits offers an interesting option to Malthus. Malthus believed that deficits were the ‘natural’ consequence of nutrient production increasing at an arithmetic ratio and population increasing at a geometric ratio, the difference being met by the starvation hosts. He believed that the lone manner this deficit could be prevented was for the working classes to keep their ain passions and that the â€Å"threat of poorness and the trouble of feeding kids [ was ] needed [ as disheartenment ] †( Richards, 1989 ) . Marxist’s believe that this ill-founded fact was used by capitalists to warrant the low rewards an d widespread poorness that the labouring categories experienced in the 19th century. Although, this position may be somewhat out of day of the month, the Marxist position maintains its relevancy. In 1943 Bengal suffered an flagitious dearth in which one one-fourth of its population died. This dearth had nil to make with nutrient deficits, it was wholly related to economic sciences. The one-fourth of the population that died were the rural laborers, who from a Marxist position would hold constituted the marginally unemployed and reserve ground forces. The job arose out of a monolithic enlargement of economic activity, related to the war attempt at the clip, which favoured the capitalists in the urban Centres at the disbursal of the rural labouring categories. These rural categories, as a consequence of the capitalists attempts to maximize net incomes, lost out in the conflict to command nutrient ( and were forgotten in the euphory of the ( urban ) minute ) since their exchange entitl ements ( Sen, 1981 ) were significantly reduced because their rewards had non increased at the same rate as the nutrient monetary values. It was the badness of this lessening in their existent income and the care of such a big modesty ground forces by the urban capitalists, instead than any natural catastrophe, that caused the awful figure of deceases experienced in Bengal. However, although it is apparent from the instance surveies reviewed so far that the Marxist position on Green issues, such as environmental pollution and overpopulation, places the incrimination on the current manner of ( capitalist ) production, as opposed to ‘nature’ itself, how do they see jobs related to medicate etcetera, that are non portion of the Green docket? There can be no uncertainty that illnesses such as malignant neoplastic disease and AIDS are menaces to humanity, but how can the Marxist’s explain these in footings of the capitalistic universe market? Apart from tenuous links to atomic power and radiation, malignant neoplastic disease does non look easy explained, neither for that affair does AIDS, other than with combative mentions to its seemingly ‘unnatural’ ( homosexual ) origins. But if these menaces can non be satisfactorily explained by the thrust to roll up capital ( that is an built-in portion of capitalist economy ) , it must be assumed that similar jobs would originate under a socialist manner of production, a fact that slightly tarnishes the Marxist ideal of a Utopian society and dramatis personaes intuition over some of their old claims. To reason so, it is apparent from this survey that a Marxist analysis of Green issues is a utile manner of sing the current environmental and demographic jobs that face humanity. Whereas the Green’s considerations revolve around a deterministic epistemology, Marxist’s, in offering a review of the capitalist manner of production, have presented us with an interesting option to the à ¢â‚¬Ëœnaturalistic’ position of the jobs confronting society, and one that offers hope for a solution. However, although a Marxist analysis of jobs such as those medically related is unsatisfactory, proposing that their claims for perfect felicity under a socialist manner of production are ill-founded, what is most worrying about this position is that although they recognise the dangers presented to mankind, they are in no haste to get down the procedure of work outing them. Rather than â€Å"Helping the Earth fight back†they seem prepared to wait for the oncoming of socialism, certain in themselves that this is the lone manner to work out the job. Lashkar-e-taibas hope we do non hold to wait that long.Bibliography Capra, F and Spretnak, C ( 1984 ) Green Politics, Hutchinson and Co. Ltd Corbridge, S ( 1986 ) Capitalist World Development, Macmillan Curtis, L, Courtney, F and Trudgill, S ( 1976 ) Soils in the British Isles, London, Longmans Friends of the Earth ( day of the month terra incognita ) Help the Earth Fight Back Matley, IM ( 1966 ) The Marxist Approach to the Geographical Environment, AAAG, 56, 97-111 Richards, F ( 1989 ) Can capitalism travel Green? , in Living Marxism, no.4 Sen, A ( 1981 ) Poverty and Famines, Oxford University Press Singer, P ( 1980 ) Marx, Oxford, Oxford University Press Smith, N ( 1984 ) Uneven Development, Oxford, Blackwell Sunday Times, 25/6/89, ppA7a The Independent, 23/4/92, pp22 Times 26/6/89, pp14b Times, 24/9/90, pp12c 3bc
Friday, April 3, 2020
Obesity in Adolescents from Low Income Communities
Introduction Obesity is a nutritional disease that results from accumulation of fats in the body to a level such that it becomes harmful to an individual. Modern lifestyle is the major cause of obesity. In adults and adolescents body mass index is used to measure obesity; it relates to both height and weight that one has at one particular point. Then there are agreed units of measure that define a healthy person, one who is underweight, and who is obese.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Obesity in Adolescents from Low Income Communities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More When children reach adolescent, their body goes through many changes some physical and others psychological. It is at this stage that children tend to eat a lot and they prefer the fatty foods such as potato fries, kebabs, pizzas among others. It even becomes worse if the adolescent is from a low income family because these foods constitute a big percentage of their daily meals. Some have to feed on carbohydrates as their major meal which they take in large quantities because of their enlarged body size. These are adolescents who crave for things like ice creams and other junk foods which increase their body mass index. This paper will look at the relationship between poverty and obesity, the major causes of obesity, and how obesity in adolescents can be reduced by increasing daily intakes of organic foods, fruits, and vegetables. It will also look at some of the measures that the government needs to take in increasing intake of organic foods and how daily intake of fruits and vegetables can be promoted. It will conclude by looking at the importance of healthy eating not only to the adolescents but to everyone. Poverty and Obesity Poverty is one of the major world’s concerns especially when it comes to developing economies; it is an issue that many poor people encounter face to face and the price that they pay is unbelievably very high. It is estimated that every year, a large number of children are admitted into schools while still encountering many challenges arising from poverty such as lack of proper food which the teachers are not able take care of as needs. Even so, the definite meaning of poverty has never been agreed upon.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some scholars have defined poverty in terms of monetary ability while others have viewed poverty as the lack of capacity to meet the basic needs of life. The significance of poverty has attracted the attention of many governments and multinational corporations. These governments and organizations have always set targets for reducing poverty, particularly in ensuring that most children do not suffer out of poverty (Wolfendale, 2000). A number of research findings have also indicated that the well being of every person is intricately linked to the functioning of the family in which he or she is being brought up in relation to socio-economic resources which are limited; these findings also indicate that the daily socio-economic challenges can negatively affect the health of both parents and children. The negative effects as demonstrated in the parents, in turn, are reflected in the problems and challenges in the children’s own adjustments spanning various facets of social-emotional development. One of these negative effects is poor nutrition that often leads to obesity in children as they grow up (Wolfendale, 2000). These families are not able to afford a balanced diet and the children eat only what is available; most of their diet is composed of large quantities of carbohydrates which leads to the accumulation of fats in the body thereby causing obesity. Causes of Obesity Poor nutrition leads to obesity which in turn causes illness or even death. According to American Medical Association ( AMA), the increase in health related diseases and illnesses have been caused by the increase in obesity and overweight rates. Some of these diseases include: diabetes, cancer, insomnia, heart diseases, and cardicascular disease. An individual’s body weight can be measured using body mass index (BMI). Research has found that, about 20% of adults suffer from obesity having a BMI of 30 or more. More than 30% are overweight with a BMI of 25 to 29.9. There is therefore a strong call for involvement to perk up diet and health in order to curb the illnesses associated with poor nutrition. Nutritionists have argued that, water, fruits, and vegetables can be used to counteract this problem (Sturm, 2005). There are many factors that have been thought to have lead to obesity in adolescents. They include;Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Obesity in Adolescents from Low Income Communities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page L earn More Genetic and hormonal Family and nutrition Psychological and physiological factors. Genetic and hormonal These are factors that are as result of biological factors. Generally there are basis that accumulate mire fat than others. Research has shown that in families whose one or both parents are obese, there are high chances that children born in the family will be obese. This cause is the hardest to control since the body seem to accumulate fats at a faster rate. What a parent can do in such a case is to act very cautious towards the foods that they give their children. The foods should contain as minimal fats as possible. Family and nutrition Fats accumulate in our bodies from the food that we eat; when children are not fed in the right way, they are likely to suffer from obesity as they grow. The kind of food and the lifestyle that a family adopts, the kind of foods that is consumed in the family will either have large fat contents or not. On the other hand if children are fed on junk foods, they are likely to develop obesity in their adolescent stage. If parents do not engage their children in daily chores and avail food at all times, then the tendency is that the children will end up eating junk foods without â€Å"burning the fats taken, the resultant is obesity. Bad eating habit is another factor that can lead to obesity. Socialization develops attributes to a person and children are affected more; the kind of environment that children are brought about in will influence the kind of lifestyle they will live in the future. If parents are careless of what they eat, then their children are likely to follow suit and suffer from obesity (Sturm, 2005). Psychological and physiological factors In a child’s development (especially when he reaches adolescent), he may develop a liking to certain categories of foods. He/she may be willing to take junk or sweet foods and this because his main meal. And because the family may not be in a position t o provide better food to supplement the adolescent meal the adolescent becomes obese because of poor eating. This is an irresponsible behavior that parents should cut out at the earliest time possible. This blame lies on the parent since he is mandated to ensure that has he teaches his children on the need to eat the right food. Eating healthily does not mean spending a lot of money on meals because there are some fruits and vegetables which are readily available and do not cost much.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Medics are of the opinion that human beings should eat heavily in the morning but at night they should reduce the potion of food. On the other hand they are of the opinion that at least half of the plate should be made of vegetables. This is what parents should teach their children as they grow. Solutions to Obesity Organic foods Consumers’ choices are complex and multifaceted. If consumers were concerned only about getting food at the lowest possible price, alternative agriculture would have a hard time taking hold, because industrial-style farming produces food cheaply (Liebman, et al. 2001). Consumers require the source of food that will be of most benefits to their bodies. Organic food is the only type of food that can satisfy a wide range of consumers need and reduce the rate at which adolescent become obese. However, the prices of these foods are relatively higher than processed and it’s upon the government to intervene in lowering the prices. Like consumers, far mers not only produce for profit but also to get satisfaction out of their produce. They feel happy when their produce is highly demanded and this encourages them to produce more. What the Government Should do to Ensure that Organic Foods are Available to Customers The government has a duty to ensure that both the farmers and consumers are satisfied in the production and consumption of organic foods. This can be through increased subsidies, incentives, reduced taxes, efficient infrastructure, and marketing strategies. All these strategies are aimed at lowering prices in order to increase consumption. Peterson (2010) observed that people preferred processed foods to organic foods because of their low prices. He found out that, there is a strong imbalance between government subsidies to processed foods and that of organic foods. He observes that, in United States, organic farmers received a sum of 825 million dollars in 2009. On the other hand, commodity crops farmers received an amaz ing 15.4 billion dollars. If only these subsidies were reduced on commodity farmers (such as corn and soybeans) and increased on fruits and vegetables farmers, then the prices of fruits and vegetables would go down and become affordable to a bigger percentage of people. However, these findings have some shortcoming in that, it may take a long time before the government implements the strategy. Just like Peterson, White (2010) recommended the government to increase their subsidies to organic food farmers in order to lower their prices to customers, thereby boasting healthy eating. She also noted that, by buying goods in large quantities, consumers would be able to save a lot of money. However this is not an easy move because the government has to intervene again in the provision of storage facilities such as fridges in order to preserve these fruits. This might be an expensive strategy not only to the government but also to the small scale farmer who may not be able to produce foods in bulk due to lack of efficient technologies. The size of land set aside for organic farming is very small compared to consumers’ needs. This has resulted in increased demand consequently raising the prices. A strategic move by the government would be to increase the size of land used for organic farming. This will ensure that, organic farmers enjoy economies of scale and offer their products at reduced costs. For example, Sweden had promised to increase its farmland by 10% in the year 2000. However the government has to intervene in the provision of necessarily amenities required by farmers. This will ensure increased production resulting in reduced prices to consumers. Exports will also increase and the farmers might even be able to lower their produce further thereby encouraging their consumption. This can be achieved through: Focusing on the undeveloped sectors such as the rural areas and assisting them to identify an action plan. Through Provision of production inputs a nd incentives, trade and infrastructure for marketing that would help to boast the production and consumption of fruits and vegetables. And involving many stake holders in the production, quality control, processing and marketing of fruits and vegetables (National Institute of Health 2010) Fruits and vegetables Most government health agencies and departments such as World Health Organization (WHO) have been fighting with the growing problem of obesity and unhealthy eating. They have been advocating for a modification in the health program to include more fruits and vegetable. Research has proved that, diets with a bigger portion of fruits and vegetables can lower or even prevent some illnesses such as cancer and heart diseases. Fruits and vegetables contain an implausible number of minerals and vitamins that are essential for our bodies (Johnson, et al 2003). Most of them contain a large portion of water essential for the skin for example watermelons which contains approximately 94 percent water. Seeds contain fiber which assists the body in getting rid of waste substances and bowel movements. Fruits and vegetables come in different colors and contain different nutrients. It is advisable to take different varieties in order to obtain a wide range of benefits. Dark green vegetables such as spinach and cabbage are rich in carotenoids, vitamin E, and C that help in preventing heart diseases and cancer (WHO 2004). Promotion Of Fruits and Vegetable Consumption Cultural and socioeconomic differences between countries affect the promotion and intake of fruits and vegetables; nutritionists are advised to take this into account while promoting their intakes. The promotion of fruits and vegetables has been an on going initiative in most of the developed nations such as United States, Australia, Britain and others although not much have been done in the developing nations. A wide range of programs and interventions that promotes the intake of fruits and vegetables in adu lts and children has been introduced by WHO (Johnson, et al 2003). Out of all the studies that have been done, none has demonstrated a disadvantageous effect of the intrusions on the consumption of fruits and vegetables. However, the projects to promote fruit and vegetable intake should be based on scientific evidence for them to be successful. They should be evaluated to ascertain what works best and what does not work. This helps in reducing the amount of money used that would other wise be wasted in doing things that do not work. Messages that are specific of country and culture have to be integrated into guidelines together with other diet messages (WHO 2004). This challenge can be addressed by taking the following into consideration: Production and intake of fruits and vegetables Roles of fruits and vegetables production in income generation and creation of employment opportunities Focus on the undeveloped sectors such as the rural areas and assisting them to identify an actio n plan Provision of production inputs and incentives, trade and infrastructure for marketing that would help to boast the production and consumption of fruits and vegetables. Involving many stake holders in the production, quality control, processing and marketing of fruits and vegetables consumer awareness of the positive effects of increasing their daily intake of fruits and vegetable enhancing fruit and vegetable production through diversification understanding of consumers’ tastes and expectations Importance of Healthy Eating Wellness is achieved from healthy eating and through taking physical exercises. Wellness occurs in seven dimensions. Healthy eating is a preventative approach which, if adopted, can help in reducing illnesses and increasing wellness. Through taking fruits and vegetables, the skin becomes lighter which in turn improves the general appearance of an individual. They give one a healthy skin that is free from pimples or lashes. Scientific research has fo und that, increased intake of organic foods and fruits and vegetables can help in reducing stress and boasting self-esteem. This ensures an improvement in the emotional aspects of an individual’s wellness. Healthy eating helps one to participate more in social interaction and relationships because of the reduced rate of illness (Health Promotion 2010). The benefits achieved from healthy eating enable one to spread awareness to other members of the community thus encouraging socialization Through increased production and consumption of fruits and vegetables, the earth and its resources are protected which ensures a healthy leaving. Global warming is reduced because people tend to concentrate more on the naturally growing food other than the processed ones. Intellectual awareness is the ability to improve ones intellectual capacity and creativity. This can be through; taking workshops, reading inspirational materials, or taking up a hobby. With the increase in nutrition awarene ss, many people have found it interesting to read materials that contain details of healthy eating thus increasing their intellectual awareness. Others involve themselves in nutrition workshops where there get ideas from other people as well as insights on how to improve their health. Occupational wellness involves making use of skills and talents in a career that is not only enjoyable but also rewarding. Healthy eating as a preventive approach has come along with exciting careers that are yet to be exploited. Individuals now have a wide variety of careers to choose from. Spiritual wellness is increased by being curious and inquisitive, listening to the heart and following ones principles and allowing oneself the freedom of being unique (Health Promotion 2010). It is a personal decision to chose what to do in case one falls ill; some people may chose to take medicine, go to the hospital while others may chose to use the preventative approach of healthy eating. Conclusion Children ex perience poverty as the part of environment that interferes with there mental, spiritual, emotional and physical development. Moreover, the experience of children with regards to poverty is also through their hands, hearts and minds. For instance, when they begin a day without a nutritious meal the children’s emotional capacity and also their bodily growth are greatly hindered by poverty. Children from low income families are not able to access a healthy meal which interferes their body functioning. They are likely to become obese as they grew up due to high intake of starchy food. Their bodies become weak and are likely to develop illnesses that result from unhealthy eating. Heath takes the form of psychological health, physical health and mental health. Maintain a good health is one of the sole objectives of good governance. When a country is health then its productivity is more likely to be high than a sick country. Most of the diseases that people are suffering today are as a result of their eating habits. Obesity is a disease which can be prevented and cured if proper eating habits are adopted by parents to their children. Food that children take should be examined to ensure that it has nutritional benefit to the child. Fatty food should be avoided. Prevention of obesity should take centre stage than curing it. The right and surest way that obesity can be cured is through eating healthily. The kind of food eaten should be looked into to ensure that it is healthy. Healthy food contains adequate nutrients that one need for survival. Parents should go ahead and teach their children at tender age the need to eat health at all times. Daily intake of fruits and vegetables do not only give us a perfect skin but also helps in fighting illnesses. Research has shown that, fruit and vegetable intake can help to cure obesity, heart disease and other chronic diseases. Diets rich in vegetables and fruits contain less cholesterol as compared to those rich in carb ohydrates or proteins. Obese and overweight people are advised to increase their daily intake of fruits and vegetables as this will help them to maintain an incredible figure. Reference List Health Promotion (2010). Definition of wellness. Retrieved from Johnson, D.B. et al. (2003). Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Homebound Elders: The Seattle Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Pilot Program. Public Health Research, practice, and policy. Retrieved from, Liebman, M. et al. (2001). Ecological management of agricultural weeds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press National Institute of Health. (2010). DINE Healthy: Diet improvement software. November 3, 2010 from Peterson, T. (2010). Eating healthy still out of reach for many: Government subsidized profits. Retrieved from, ting-healthy-still-out-reach-many Sturm, R. (2005). Childhood obesity- what we can learn from existing data on societal trends, part 1. Public health research, practice, and policy. Retrieved from, White, A. (2010). Why organic Food costs so much. Retrieved from, World Health Organization. (WTO). (2004). Fruit and vegetable for health, Report of a joint FAO/WHO workshop, Kobe, Japan. Retrieved from, Wolfendale, S. (2000). Special needs in the early years: snapshots of practice. New York: Routledge. This research paper on Obesity in Adolescents from Low Income Communities was written and submitted by user Harvey Cole to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
How to Win a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award
How to Win a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re a high school senior of Hispanic or Latinx heritage, you'll definitely want to learn more about the Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF). With more than 150 types of scholarships available through this program, there’s a lot to learn- and a lot to win! When you submit an HSF award scholarship, you’re actually submitting yourself for consideration for many different awards (much like when you submit a FAFSA). I’ll talk about all the details you’ll need to take into consideration before submitting your own application for Hispanic scholarships. Then, we'll take a look at application strategies for current high school seniors. What Is a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award? TheHispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF)is a large organization that oversees many scholarship programs. It has partnerships with both philanthropic and corporate organizations to fund scholarships for Hispanic students. Since 1975, HSF has awarded more than $470 million in scholarship money, with 5,100+ new scholarships awarded each year. Overall, it's a real powerhouse of an organization, with aims to ensure that every Hispanic household in the US has at least one college graduate. In essence, there's no single HSF award; instead, HSF offers many different scholarships, each with its own funding sources, eligibility requirements, and award amounts. The great thing about HSF is that you only have to submit one application every year to be considered for all available scholarships. These scholarships are merit-based,meaning they're awarded based on academic and personal achievements, not financial need; that said, financial need is taken into consideration when determiningthe amount of the award. Most awards are not renewable- you only receive one annual award amount. As I mentioned above, however, you can submit an HSF scholarship application every year. Re-submitting applications in the future may help your chances of getting more scholarship funding. HSF really values building a community and slightly favors past award winners when reviewing scholarship applications. HSF award amounts vary from $500 to as high as $5,000,but the specific amount you could win will vary depending on your financial need. HSF scholarships offer more than just funding for school, though. Here's a list of the benefits that come along with an HSF award: Career center platform to help you look for jobs and internships Mentor match program Online course system to augment your normal college studies HSF newsletter with extracurricular and volunteer opportunities HSF events and programs, such as Latinos United and Networking for Advancement (LUNA) and National Leadership Conference (NLC) An extra "point" on future HSF scholarship applications- if you've won an HSF scholarship in the past, you'll be more likely to win one in the future All in all, an HSF award is a really great resource in more ways than one. Because one application means you'll be considered for countless scholarships, it's well worth your time to apply for an HSF award.So let's get started! How to Know If You're Eligible for an HSF Scholarship In order to receive an HSF award, you must meet all of the following eligibility requirements: Be of Hispanic heritage (defined as being at least 1/4 Hispanic or Latino) Have a minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale (for high school students) Have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale (for college and graduate students) Plan to enroll full-time at an accredited nonprofit four-year university or graduate school during the fall of the scholarship cycle year Be a US citizen, permanent legal resident, DACA, or eligible non-citizen as defined by the FAFSA Complete the FAFSA Complete the State Dream Act financial aid application, if applicable Students of all majors are considered, although there is an emphasis on STEM fields.This is likely because students of Hispanic heritage are especially underrepresented in the fields of math, science, technology, and engineering. What Do You Need to Apply for an HSF Scholarship? Before you start working on your Hispanic Scholarship Fund application, it'd be wise togather the following information and reports. To complete your HSF application, you'll need the following materials: Your FAFSA and Student Aid Report- get complete instructions here School transcripts- you can get these from your guidance counselor Enrollment verification from your school- check with the admissions office about this Financial aid award letter from the college you're enrolling in- the HSF uses this to determine your award amount but not whether you receive a scholarship Letters of recommendation- you'll need at least one academic recommender, but additional writers can be academic or non-academic Your school guidance counselor should be able to help you gather the paperwork you need. How Do You Submit an HSF Application? The Hispanic Scholarship Fund application opens January 1 and closes March 30 each year.For the 2019-20 scholarships, the application will open January 1, 2019, and close March 30, 2019. By submitting just one application, you'll be considered for a variety of awards. However, although you might be eligible to receive multiple scholarships, you can only be awarded one scholarship per year. Remember thatyou are encouraged to submit an HSF scholarship application every year you're in school. After you submit an HSF scholarship application, you'll learn whether you won an award via email in June orJuly. Want to build the best possible college application and financial aid package? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. How May You Use Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award Money? HSF scholarship funds can be used for tuition, books, fees, and other academic expenses.You can also use the award money to pay for room, board, and transportation expenses. How to Raise Your Chances of Winning a Hispanic Scholarship Fund Award HSFscholarships are highly competitive; unfortunately, not all qualified applicants receive a scholarship each year.It’s important, then, that you dedicate yourself fully to the application process if you’re serious about trying to get an HSF award. I'll address some long- and short-term strategies to help you win an HSF scholarship here. Long-Term Considerations As you prepare for HSF scholarship applications, keep in mind that students are evaluated on the following criteria: Academic achievement Personal strengths Leadership Commitment to giving back to their communities HSF also strives to help students achieve their goals, particularly in areas in which Hispanic/Latino students are underrepresented, namely STEM fields. You'll be considered an even stronger applicant if you plan on going into science, tech, engineering, or mathematics. You should also note that HSF scholarships are looking for students who are well rounded. In other words, they would prefer a student with a slightly lower GPA and an impressive resume than they would a student with a perfect GPA and no extracurricular activities. Nevertheless, the strongest HSF applicant will demonstrate both academic excellence and involvement in extracurricular activities. If you're a younger high school student, you can start working on making yourself a stronger applicant, both for scholarships and college applications (there tends to be a lot of overlap). Here are three thingsthat can make applicants more competitive, according to HSF. #1: Taking Honors or Advanced Classes Thisspeaks to your academic achievement. Students who challenge themselves with a more difficult course load will seem more ambitious and tenacious. #2: Consistent Involvement in Extracurricular or Volunteer Activities Depending on what activities you’re involved in, your participation in extracurriculars/volunteer activities can speak to all the qualities that applicants are evaluated for. Academic achievement: Activities such as Science Olympiad, Mock Trial, and Debate can augment what you’re already doing in class. Basically, participation demonstrates intellectual curiosity. Personal strengths: Your success in various activities/organizations will speak to your personal strengths. If you win any awards, honors, or accolades through your participation in extracurriculars, these will get you brownie points on applications. Leadership:If you hold an authoritative role as a club officer, or if you started a club or volunteer organization, you’ll prove that you are a strong and effective leader. Commitment to giving back to the community: Generally, any volunteer or school-related activity will demonstrate a commitment to your community. #3: Demonstrating Experiences That Have Contributed to Your Personal Growth You might be questioning what exactly this point is supposed to mean. After all, experiences that contribute to personal growth will be different for everyone. In general, though, any experience that challenges you or forces you out of your comfort zone will contribute to your growth. Here are some examples of how you can demonstrate these types of experiences in the domains relevant to the HSF application: Academics: Again, difficult coursework, especially in your weaker subject areas, will challenge you intellectually. If you approach the challenge productively by seeking extra help from teachers and keeping up with your work, you’ll come across as a strong applicant. Letters of recommendationfrom appropriate teachers can really shed light on whether you seek out challenging academic experiences. Leadership:No one starts off as a leader in any club or activity; you have to work your way up by proving yourself and earning respect over time. Volunteer to take on new and challenging learning experiences in your extracurriculars. You can do this by leading a group, proposing an independent learning project, or even starting your own club or organization. Commitment to giving back to your community: How do you demonstrate commitment or passion to giving back? You do more than what’s required or expected of you. Do you feel that your school or community is missing a particular type of service group? For example, maybe you’ve noticed that the younger kids in your school community don’t have access to tutors or mentors for homework help, and you have a passion for education and teaching. This would be a great opportunity to give back to your community while also demonstrating real initiative and leadership. Take every opportunity to describe personal growth and development - scholarships (and colleges) love to see this upwards trajectory. Sometimes, leadership and community commitment go formally unrecognized. Although I know it’s difficult for some students to toot their own horns, formal awards, honors, and accolades can really help you boost scholarship and college applications. Work on taking my advice above over the long term, but also try toactively seek out award opportunities in your community.You can do this by checking with your school's guidance counselor or by doing a Google search for any awards in your area. Short-Term Considerations If you're ready to start working on your applications, this section will be especially helpful. I'll break down the best ways to approach each part of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund application so you can optimize your chances of winning an award. The Essay The actual essay prompts for the 2019-20 HSF scholarship application aren't available yet, but the HSF lists ideas for personal statements that will likely overlap with its own application essays. You can use the following prompts to brainstorm before you have access to the actual application in January 2019: What are your goals? Why did you choose these goals? Why did you choose to apply for HSF fund scholarships? What are your values and philosophy about education? Why? Are there any accomplishments (either in or out of school) that you're particularly proud of? What have you learned from these experiences? Do you have a time-management system? What is it? How do you schedule your time to include both academic and social activities? What difficulties or disadvantages have you faced in your life, and how have you overcome them? What is one area in which you are weak, and how have you or do you plan to overcome this weakness? Identify a leadership experience and talk about the most important lessons of the position and experience. What makes you unique? Your actual scholarship essay will be evaluated on four different factors, which are as follows: #1: Length: There’s a maximum word count for each essay. The best essays will use all the space available. While you don’t need to write the exact max number of words, you should try to get as close as possible to the maximum. #2: Content:The essay prompts will be focused and direct; make sure your response is as well. If the prompt includes multiple parts, ensure that you’re answering each part of the prompt. Highlight the qualities that the HSF values in scholarship recipients, includingacademic achievement, personal strengths, leadership skills or experiences, and commitment to giving back to the community. Reference the section above for examples of activities, experiences, and challenges you could highlight. If there are any major weaknesses in your HSF application (such as a lack of leadership experiences or poor academic performance), use your essays to explain yourself.Don’t make excuses- keep your tone matter-of-fact, but optimistic. If you’ve experienced any extraordinary hardships or obstacles, mention them in your essays.It’s important that application readers have a full and comprehensive understanding of situational factors that could have affected different aspects of your application. #3: Use of Examples:The examples you use in your essays should be personal (without being confessional) and relevant to the prompt. Your essay responses will be more engaging if, for example, you begin your writing with an anecdote or personal story. #4: Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation:Errors are distracting and detract from the quality of your writing. Avoid mistakes by giving yourself plenty of time to write the essay. Have a trusted teacher or mentor edit and proofread your work, too. This sign doesn't make a great first impression. Make sure your HSF essay does! If you’ve prepped for the SAT, you might recognize that these scoring factors are pretty similar to the ones for the SAT Essay.It might be helpful to think of the HSF application essays as more developed, personal versions of the SAT Essay. Letters of Recommendation Your academic recommendation writer must be an instructor, an adviser, or someone who can evaluate you academically (e.g., your academic performance, motivation, plans and goals, etc.). Additional recommenders can be either academic or nonacademic. Secondary recommendation writers must be able to evaluate your community service and extracurricular activities (e.g., your leadership, work ethic, or commitment). Recommendations from family members, family friends, and other close friends are discouraged by HSF. Strong letters of recommendationare important for any application. Here’s how you can go about getting the best letters possible for an HSF award application: #1: Ask the Right People: Ideal recommendation writers are those in educator/mentor positions and with whom you have a long, positive history. The best recommender will be excited to vouch for you. If you have someone in mind, ask them to write your letters in such a way that they have an "out" if they’re not comfortable doing it. If they don’t have any positive things to say about you, they’ll end up writing a lukewarm letter, and thiswill really hurt your application. Ask if they’d be comfortable writing you a "very strong" or "glowing" letter. This way, you'll know that ifthey decline or hesitate, you’re probably better off asking someone else to write you a letter. You can ask more than one person to write you a letter of recommendation. This is potentially a great opportunity to present yourself as a well-rounded applicant. I advise you to ask for letters from two to three people; any more than that, though, and the HSF scholarship evaluators will have too much to read! #2: Give Your Letter Writers Plenty of Advance Notice:Aim for 10-12 weeks, if possible. Since the deadline for HSF is March 30, you'll want to aim to ask for rec letters by mid-December. What's Next? Although the HSF application means you'll be considered for many scholarships, you don't want to stop there! To really optimize your chances of getting scholarship funding, you should apply to as many scholarship programs as possible. The good news is that we have comprehensive guides to submitting the best applications for some of the nation's top scholarships. Read these to learn how to win theGates Millennium Scholarship, the Ronald McDonald House Charities scholarships, the Walmart Scholarships, and the Coca-Cola Scholarship. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Science and nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Science and nature - Essay Example ove the Science curriculum, the teacher may consider restructuring the curriculum by allowing the learners take part in tasks in the environment that will allow them grasp concepts in the curriculum. In the case of Science, the teacher should manipulate the environment so that it allows learners grasp concepts in the subject. This includes an environment where the learners can experiment with their senses. For the teacher to be prepared well enough to assist the learners in investigating the environment around them, the teacher must constantly assess the steps forward made by the learners. The teacher responds by assessing the moves they make in the environment and marking down their misdeeds. The teacher may also take advantage of the informal erudition practices. This emanates from the teachers’ instinct on when to act and when not to act in the learning process (Mitchell, 1992). This entails the teachers’ ability to emphasize concepts that are teachable in the course of learning. Conclusively, learning in this context takes part with the teachers reinforcing learning activities through constant supervision of the learners’
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The treaty of guadalupe Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The treaty of guadalupe - Research Paper Example Therefore, this decision led to the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe in the late 1840s (Menchaca 215). Since Mexico lost its boundaries, it subsequently lost the current states of Arizona, California, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado including Wyoming. As a result, the country felt the need of finding a solution to compensate the entire loss. A meeting was thus held among commissioners from the two rival countries with the purpose of coming up with some brilliant ideas that would be used in coming up with the final solution (Acuna 123). History reveals that, Nicholas Trist (chief clerk of the State Department) and another American representative to President Polk (General Winfield) set off to meet their Mexican counterpart-General Jose Joaquin. The first meeting bore no fruits and not even a tiny resolution was brought to book (Schultz 422). The delegates to the meeting resolved to arrange for a second one, as their zeal to bring about peace was undoubtedly strong. When the time came , the delegates met a second time, and their talks were in vain lastly coming up without a solution. Failure to come with a long lasting solution meant no peace in the territories USA had acquired from the rival. Thus, USA sent Nicholas Trist for a third time, on the third meeting; he purposely went out to meet other leaders from the fallen government of Mexico. These were, Don Bernado Couto, Don Miguel de Atristain, and don Luis Gonzaga Cuevas. They were all government officials of a government, which in a way had fallen (Porterfield 5). In the treaty, fresh boundaries were set between the two countries, Mexico succeeded to win its bid on a number of territories namely, Alta California and Santa Fe de Nuejiijij o Mexico though not cited in entire treaty. Following the years of 1836, more and precisely straight boundaries were set in an attempt to avoid further war eruptions. The border consisted of Rio Grande at the northwest part with a successive stretch further north to border S anta Fe de Nuevo Mexico. Through the Gila River, to the west, the border took a straight dimension to the port of San Diego (Porterfield 17). This gave a more geographic outlook on the positions of various locations like the Lower California. Mexico realized that it was almost losing some important territories that had steered the occurrence of the war. By the time this realization came, the country had already lost quite a considerable piece of it land to remain on the current area of approximately 1,972,550 km?. as a result, United States succeeded in the seizure of Nevada, California, and Utah with its boundaries cutting further to western parts of New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. At the long run, USA had claimed an additional land of 1.36 million km? naming it the Mexican cession. In accordance to Adams-Onis’ treaty relating to the boundary, Mexico recovered only 45% of the regions fought for. Mexicans agreed in the treaty that Rio Grande would be the Texas border (M enchaca 219). Nicholas Trist and Winfield Scott of the U.S.A conducted the negotiations and drafting of the treaty with the Mexicans since further war would ultimately bear no fruits. This happened in defiance of President’s Polk orders to fight further in an attempt to claim more territories. Trist presented the treaty to the â€Å"House of Senate†in his country U.S.A for complements (Acuna 248). The
Monday, January 27, 2020
Communicative Competence In Language Teaching
Communicative Competence In Language Teaching In this essay, I will first define what Communicative Competence is and what it includes. Secondly, making reference to the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages, I will synthesize why gaining Communicative Competence in a foreign language is so important and why it should be the main goal in an English Classroom. To finish with, I will summarize the best ways of teaching Communicative Competence. Task-based language teaching will be the model I will use as an example of how Communicative competence should be taught and the role instruction should pay in the Classroom. Communicative Competence refers to the ability of understanding, producing, and interpreting the different Communicative events taking into account not only their explicit sense (what it seems to be more immediate for us), but also its implications; that is to say, what the speaker wants to say, what the listener wants to understand, their relationship, the social context, etc. Therefore, Communicative Competence has to do with the social, cultural, and psychological rules that determine the use of a particular language in a particular situation. This term was introduced by Hymes in language teaching in 1972, to complete Chomskys Linguistic Competence term which couldnt explain all the factors which are important for a communicative purpose or in a communicative situation. According to him, Linguistic Competence only deals with the knowledge of language rules and forms, and Communicative Competence includes as well the knowledge that allows someone to communicate correctly and appropriately. Therefore, Communicative Competence is the only means we use to transform language into Communication instead of Linguistic Competence. According to the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages Communicative Competence is divided in: Linguistic Competence: it refers to the ability of producing utterances in an efficient way in all its grammatical levels. It is formed by these competences: lexical, grammatical, semantic, phonologic and orthographic competence. Sociolinguistic Competence: it is the ability of understanding and producing different utterances in different contexts of use where different factors play an important role, such as the relationship between participants, their situation, etc. Aspects to take into account here are social relationships markers, politeness norms, popular wisdom expressions, register differences, dialect and accent differences, etc. Pragmatic Competence: It makes reference to the ability of acting efficiently in a language taking into account grammatical forms and meaning to complete a text (spoken or written) in different communicative events. It includes students mastery of texts, discursive genres, and community speech interpretation. To master this, there are needed rhetorical, cohesive or cohesion devices for conversational organization. Strategic Competence: it has to do with the individuals effective use of language by means of his capacity for using verbal and non-verbal resources to fix errors that can be produced when communicating due to different events that may limit the communicative process. Communicative competence is the first of the eight basic competences that a learner has to have acquired by the end of ESO, but not only this, it is in the same way important to have acquired as well a B1 level of Communicative Competence in a Foreign Language to be admitted in University as the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages dictates. COMMUNICATIVE COMPTENCE IN TEACHING Teachers in ESO should develop in students communicative abilities and strategies in order to reach a B1 level in Communicative Competence by the end of this period, this competence should be acquired in all areas: speaking, reading, listening, and writing. Therefore, this has to be the main goal in the English Classroom. In order to analyze how Communicative Competence is implemented in school, Ive chosen the task-based method, which is a continuation of Communicative Language Teaching according to Rod Ellis. Task-based language teaching is a teaching method based on tasks whose main purpose is to make learners use the foreign language. Tasks are based on authentic events where authentic language is used: visiting a doctor, shopping, calling room service for food, etc. Assessment of errors is not considered as important as in other approaches because accuracy will be gained while practicing the L2 in an incidental way. Besides, Rod Ellis defends that what students really acquire is the implicit knowledge, and this is best facilitated looking at the language as a whole rather than breaking it into pieces in an attempt to teach item by item. Tasks differ from activities in that they focus on meaning rather than on form, in this sense, learners will be creating their own language instead of reproducing the language given to them. They also have an informational or reasoning gap which will make the conversation interesting and therefore it will make them eager to continue it even outside class. Learners also use their resources instead of reproducing the language given to them. The goal of tasks is not to make learners use a correct language, but to engage them in communication. WHAT ROLE PLAYS INSTRUCTION IN A TASK-BASED LEARNING CONTEXT? Instruction plays a different role in Task-Based Teaching: Instruction is seen in an interpretative rather than in a transmission perspective, so its main goal must be to facilitate students processes of learning, which in this case is the acquisition of implicit knowledge. The goal of language instruction is the development of implicit knowledge. If teachers make their students to focus mainly on language form they wont never be able to communicate effectively. The only place where learning occurs is inside learners minds, so teachers cannot just direct that learning. Therefore attention to form will be paid only when communicating, and not all the time, because excessive corrections may stop the conversations rhythm. That doesnt mean that Task-Based theorists dont care about grammar, they defend explicit teaching of rules as well, but only when necessary because the main goal is communication. Instruction has to focus on meaning rather than on form. Rod Ellis thinks that grammar is not needed for basic communication. Basic survival in language relies on vocabulary and formulaic sequences, not on grammar. Students will need grammar as they get involved in increasingly complex tasks, that is to say, the need to use a determinate grammatical form will be created in their minds as complexity increases in tasks. Instruction needs to be motivating, i.e. based on things that learners may find interesting, because its very important to call their attention in order to get them involved in the task. To conclude, I will sum up some characteristics a classroom should have to teach Communicative Competence: Inductive method. Preventing method rather than corrective. Teach sequences of language, not language in isolation. Teach through senses. Promote autonomy. Give your lesson an authentic and ludic character to make it interesting. Set learning goals taking into account the developmental cognitive level of the learner.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
When Harry Met Sally Essay -- essays papers
When Harry Met Sally The film I chose to view for this Romantic Comedy paper was When Harry met Sally. I enjoyed this movie. The two main characters were Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally Allbright (Meg Ryan). When first introduced to these characters, Sally is driving to New York, and Harry, who is the boyfriend of Sally's friend, is catching a ride with her. Sally is a very structured person. To quote Harry, she is a "high maintenance" women. Harry, on the other hand, has a more laid back attitude. This causes some tension between them on the long drive to New York. This fits well into the romantic comedy genre. In a romantic comedy there is usually tension between the two charcters in the beginning. Part of this pattern is for them to soften toward one another and by the end they fall in love. On the way to New York, Harry tells Sally some things about men she doesn't know and is reluctant to believe. One thing he tells her is "men and women can't be friends because sex gets in the way." This only increases the tension between them. By the time they reach New York, Sally doesn't appear too happy with him. She seems angry with him, but anger is sometimes used to cover other feeling. This is also a classic feeling in the genre. A gap of several years passes before they see each other again. They see each other at the airport, but they both pretend not to know the other. The next time they meet is a couple of years after they saw each other at the airpo...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Orion Systems Jaguar
What recommendations would you make to Rosas about organizing the Jaguar project, and why? Ans: Looking at the major assessment of problem of how ORION projects are manage, it will be plausible for Rosas to shift from the matrix structure and engage in a dedicated project teams structure. The reason been that is, dedicated project teams has a simple form of approach to a particular project where the functional organisation remain intact with the project team operating independently.It is also fast, meaning projects tend to get done more quickly rather than the matrix structure where you can be assigning multiple roles. It is very cohesive and this result in a high level of motivation which allows participants to share a common goal and take responsibility toward the project whiles the matrix structure there will be lack of strong project ownership.There is also cross-functional integration which allows specialists from different areas work closely together and, with proper guidance b ecome more committed to optimizing the project but not their respective areas of skill and this becomes the solution for the scope creep ORION has been encountering in terms of delays and design modifications that were inconsistent with customer requirements which was cause by the tendency for design engineers to get to absorb with the science of the project that they lost focus on practical considerations.ORION major problems of how project are manage; Higher than expected cost, Quality concerns, Problem with customer support, lack of strong project ownership and Scope creep 2) How would you change the organisational chart and master plan to reflect these changes? My chart ORION Organisational chart. Project manager Mechanics System engineer Electronics System engineer Deputy planning and control management Team Leader Team Leader Team Leader Team LeaderProject manager Team Leader Deputy planning and control management Electronics System engineer Mechanics System engineer Tradition al functional departments In organising projects as dedicated teams, the project manager becomes the team manager and work together with the rest of the team supported by the traditional functional department’s whiles in the matrix structure used by ORION each team have a different team leader. Master Plan Training Training programDocumentation and and test equipment SDR/PDR/CDR/TRR/PRR Build Production line Environment tests Laboratory tests and delivery Production Activities/time 6-12Months 1-6Months Design reviews Design and Development Production and Delivery ILS Lockheed martin justify that using a dedicated project teams structure facilitate a quick completion of a project.Now, if Lockheed martin uses 43days to complete an American fighter jet then I don’t see the reason why ORION will spend over 7years to make light-rail trains by using the matrix structure. Therefore, by using the dedicated project teams the process of tests, production and delivery can take le ss than the usual years ORION use to complete a particular project. So by using the dedicated project teams, I change the years on ORION master plan to months to reflect how fast it is to use the dedicated project teams rather than the matrix structure.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Pee Christmas Carol - 636 Words
Point | Evidence | Explanation | All Scrooge cares about is his money. | ‘What’s Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older, but not an hour richer, a time for balancing your books.’ | This suggests that Scrooge believes that the economy is the main focus of Christmas, that nothing else should matter to an individual apart from the state of his finances. | Scrooge thinks people that like Christmas are insane. | ‘There’s another fellow, my clerk, with fifteen shillings a week, and a wife and a family, talking about a merry Christmas. I’ll retire to Bedlam’ | This demonstrates that Scrooge can’t understand how someone can have positive emotions and be in control of their†¦show more content†¦round to make sure no one disapproved.’ (p.39) |
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