Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A&P character analysis of sammy essays
A&P character analysis of sammy essays In A, John Updike tells the story of Sammy, an eighteen year old who we first encounter working the checkout line at the As age walk into the store wearing bathing suits. While this may have passed largely unnoticed in many other settings, it creates quite a commotion inside the old-town A flesh, but also the rift between Sammys generation and the establishment of this puritan country town. This becomes evident when, at the end of the story, Sammy walks out on the job. It would be a common misconception, however, to think that this brazen act had much at all to do with these three girls. Rather, Updike gives many clues throughout the text that show that the depth of Sammys malcontent had reached a critical mass long before these three girls walked through the door that summer afternoon, and a confrontation, both with the A The stage for a major confrontation with the Athe cash-register-watcher, a character that you get the feeling that Sammy has encountered so many times in varied embodiments that he must have recognized this lady the moment he saw her in the aisle. Shes one of these cash-register-watchers, a witch about fifty with rogue on her cheekbones and no eyebrows, and I know it made her day to trip me up. Upon rectifying this minor mishap, he further describes this wretched character and her response- By the time I got her feathers smoothed and her goodies into a bag- she gives me a little snort in passing, if shed have been born at the right time ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Book Awards Open to Self-Published Books
Book Awards Open to Self-Published Books Book awards have made great strides in broadening eligibility rules to allow authors to submit self-published books. When I first began collecting information about awards for published books, many of them only accepted submissions and nominations from publishers themselves. This has changed. The following is a list of some of the many book awards that are open to self-published authors. Some of the awards are limited to authors writing in specific genres, while others have a regional focus. North Street Book Prize Winning Writers recently announced it is sponsoring the North Street Book Prize, aimed at recognizing outstanding self-published books. Categories for this first year are Mainstream/Literary Fiction, Genre Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction. The cost is $50.00 per entry, and the winner in each category will receive $1,500 plus a variety of marketing services. Two honorable mentions in each category will receive $250. All contestants receive a selection of helpful guides for publishing and promotion. The Foreword Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards Accepts self-published books in more than 60 categories/genres, including Fantasy, Humor, Travel, Juvenile Fiction, Picture Books, and True Crime. The early-bird entry fee is $79, plus two copies of the book, for each category in which the book is entered. The top three winners in each category receive publicity and can order stickers to put on their books. Monetary awards are given to one best â€Å"fiction†and one best â€Å"nonfiction†book. The Eric Hoffer Award for Independent Books Offers awards in several writing categories, including Poetry, General Fiction, E-book Fiction, and E-book Nonfiction, as well as categories Debut-litzer Prizes The literary non-profit organization Late-Night Library sponsors the Debut-litzer Prizes for a first work of fiction or poetry. Submissions are accepted from authors or publishers, and self-published works are eligible, provided the work is the â€Å"first†in the genre Thorpe Menn Literary Excellence Award Presented American Book Awards The Before Columbus Foundation sponsors the American Book Awards, which has no restrictions on self-published books. It is open to anyone, and there are no categories; awardees are selected solely based on literary excellence. The cost to enter is two copies of the book. While there is no monetary prize, award winners are formally recognized at a ceremony, and are given publicity through the Before Columbus Foundation website. Other awards include the Minnesota Book Awards (, the Brockman-Campbell Book Award (, the Lambda Literary Awards (, and the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award ( Although these do not have restrictions on self-published books, other eligibility requirements may apply. Please refer to award websites for complete and updated information, as well as details on entry deadlines.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Contemporary Punk and Rock Bands In Religion Essay
Contemporary Punk and Rock Bands In Religion - Essay Example On the other hand, as science progresses to unparalleled heights, belief in a supreme being soars as well so that in a world of increasing chaos and confusion, the presence of individuals and groups that profess their found peace, calm, and sustenance serve as an oasis, if not an inspiration altogether for those who are in between. In many instances, personal beliefs and interests serve as jumping point for careers such as those who love cuisines putting up their own restaurants, divers serving a diving instructors, and related tasks and forms of occupations. This can be said about musicians, too. It is just a matter of interest and personal inspiration. But to some, it may go deeper, or elsewhere. This essay shall try to establish if faith weighs far more than fame for contemporary punk and rock bands through observation and previous literatures. I myself would have loved to interview bands to find it out but due to time and resources constraints would have to use any available sources. Discussion: Religion and Pop Culture It has been suggested that there was a notable relationship between religion and the construction of the identity of the United States of America as can be glimpsed in literatures (McCloud, 2004; Hendershot, 2004; Chidester, 2005). McCloud (2004) traced news coverage of religious movements from the 1950s banal tone and exoticism to brainwashing and coercion in the 1970s and beyond arguing that these served to reinforce assumptions that traditional Christianity is central in US life. Likewise, it also allowed the perceived "outsiders" of the white, middle class and heterosexual fold to be prejudiced. Hendershot (2004), on the other hand, offered an intriguing rationale traditional adherents engage in the consumption and development of a Christian retail industry, arguing further that "to purchase Christian products is to declare one's respectability in a country in which people are most often addressed by mass culture not as citizens but as consumers," (p 30). She proposed that Christian media have become more ambiguous citing crossover artists Jars of Clay, Sixpence None the Richer, Hansen and Creed in the Christian music industry who attained wider audience using insider language in order to appeal to evangelical supporters. Chidester (2005) suggested that "to recover the religious, creative, and imaginative capacity of America, we need to understand and appreciate the religious work and religious play of authentic fakes in American popular culture," (p vii). Butler's (2003) review on 1970s rock-an-roll band Black Oak Arkansas and their "Lord Have Mercy on My Soul" from the album Black Oak Arkansas had him comment that the "preoccupation with damnation and salvation [] is no aberration in the southern rock movement [] bands [] often expressed a seemingly earnest preoccupation with religious matters. The songs lyrics and personal lives of southern rockers demonstrate a constant struggle between sin and salvation." (p 73). He also noted that the use of evangelical ethos is seemed to be easily camouflaged with the rebellious lyrics. Spiritual Punk Rock But this essay will not look further. The most notable punk rock band Nirvana, or its late frontman Kurt Cobain will be the focus here. Zajicek (2006) quoted lecturer Dennis O'Brien, "I think he was a very religious man. He was very much influenced by Christianity, and if you listen closely enough to Nirvana, you'll find all kinds of religious thematics. You'll find that's true in a lot of rock music," referring to Cobain. In his "Smells Like Teen Spirit" 1991 anthem, Cobain wails, "I'm worse at what I do best With the lights out it's less
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Police corruption Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Police corruption - Assignment Example It is marked by simultaneous occurrence of mishandling of official capacity and mishandling of personal attainment. It is carried out by violation of state or federal laws or the constitutional rights of the individual. Corruption may also involve material benefit or a profit gained through abuse of public authority. Police corruption is a pervasive phenomenon, yet it is not bound by ranks. It is typified by such acts as bribery, extortion, receiving or selling stolen property and aiding or abetting or carrying out drug pedaling. Broadly, it may also include indulging in such acts as violence and brutality, fabrication or destruction of evidence, racism, or favoritism. Knapp Commission describe three basic kinds of corruption; bribery, shakedowns and mooching . Police may use subtle to extreme methods to indulge in corruption. However, no single reason can be ascribed to the existence of police corruption (Gainer and Miller, 2008). Wicershkam Commission was appointed by President Herbert Hoover in 1929. George W. Wicershkam headed the National Committee on Law Observation and Enforcement, which was popularly called the Wicershkam Commission. Wicershkam Commission was charged with investigating the causes of widespread criminal activity and finding causes of violations of national prohibition policy. It was the first of its kind national level enquiry into the causes of crime and law enforcement. The commission presented its report in 14 volumes in a study carried out from 1931 to 1932. The commission handed out a severe indictment of police thus confirming the presence of misconduct and corruption in its functioning. Apart from the use of violence and brutality it also pointed out the instances of bribery, corruption, coercion, fabrication of evidence and entrapment. Knapp Commission or the Commission to Investigate the Alleged Police Corruption was appointed under the chairmanship of Whitman
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Coca-Cola Company Essay Example for Free
Coca-Cola Company Essay Environment is an important aspect in our lives, allover the world, concerns are being raised on how the world can have a sustainable environment. Companies are under pressure to come up with programs that support environment. For the purpose of this paper we are going to examine the Coca-Cola Company environmental programs and polices. Coca-Cola Company is a multinational company that is well known for its production of carbonated soft drinks that are sold in over 200 countries allover the world. Coke soft drinks are sold in stores, vending machines and in restaurants. According to business week, coke is the most recognized brand from the company. This paper is going to analyze the environment issues that impact the company. Many nutritionists argue that soft drinks from Coca-Cola and other companies are harmful when consumed in access especially by the young ones, who may take a lot of soft drinks at the expense of a balanced diet. Studies indicate that those who regularly take soft drinks do have lesser calcium intakes in their body systems. The coca cola company in India has come under a big controversy that concerns pesticides together with other dangerous chemicals that purported to find in the bottled products from the company. In the year 2003, center for Science and Environment (CSE) which is a non governmental organization based in New Delhi, reported that aerated waters that were being produced in India by multinational big companies such as coca-cola, did contain toxins. These toxins included DDT, lindane, Malathion and chlorpyrifors, which can contribute greatly to cancer and also the breakdown of an individual immune system. Among products that were tested was coke which has found to have 30 times the amount of pesticide remains that is allowed by the European Union regulations. This lead to formation of a parliamentary committee that was given mandate to develop pesticide levels for soft drinks; this was first of its kind in the world. The company response was its products are well filtered in order to remove any potential contaminants before being marketed and that the normal have a minimum level of pesticides as required by health standards. In the sate of Kerala in India, sell of Coca-Cola products together with other soft drinks was banned, until the high overruled the decision. Suppliers Coca-Cola Company has a policy with its suppliers to follows all international and national laws that encourage ethical business dealing. The company has built its reputation on trust, respect and integrates. The company promotes the principles of human rights, shun child labor and encourage environmental conservations practices. The Coca-Cola Company has several supplies who supplies various material to the company that are used in production and overall distribution of the company products. (Coca-Cola Our Brands 2007). To start with the company is supplied with aluminum from different supplies coming from different countries. Aluminum is also supplied to the company’s bottling plants in many parts of the world; it is used for manufacturing of cans and other containers that the company uses in packaging. Other suppliers of the company are farms who grow coco plant, sugar, corn and other plants that are used as raw material by the company. Some companies do enter into dealership with the company of supplying the raw material to the company. Over the years the company has acquired many suppliers as the demand of its products increase. Companies dealing in glass also supply a lot of it to the company as it is used in making of bottles for packaging soft drinks from the company. Effects of demographics Globalization, technology, and population are among key factors that affects the company business. Over a period of three years demographic factors will play an important role on the company sale and overall performance. In line with world growth, it is believed that the world have more aged people than today this is because the birth rate in many countries is falling while at the same time life expectancy is improving. Studies indicate that young people consumer a lot of the company products than the aged ones. In line with this the company may experience slight reduction in consumption of there products. This reduction of consumption may not occur since at the same time the world population is increasing there fore cautioning any decrease that may occur in consumption patterns. Other than aging and population, the company also will have to deal with environmental issues brought about by technology change and global changes. As technology continues to advance, the issue of environment also continues to attract more attention on how viable such technology is. To day people allover the world wants companies which are environmental friendly. Consumers have become more aware of their environment and prefer companies that value the environment and have policies that protect the environment. The company will be affected positively in three years to come if they have embrace technology that sustain environment, if not then the may experience negative effects. Environment and health issues have been a big issue in the company, in 2006 the United States Food and Drug Administration, had to respond to concerns of consumers by carrying out a survey on more 100 soft drinks and also other beverages which established that though, the soft drinks had amount of benzene, it was not a health concern to consumers. The Coca-Cola Company has a vision that seeks to promote sustainable growth and making a positive change in the whole world. In regard to environment the company has made significant and quantifiable progress. The company has integrated environmental issues in its business strategies and decision making methods. As it can be noted the company improved its usage of water ratio by 4%, the energy usage ratio by 5% and the recycling rate went up by 3%. These improvements have a direct benefit to communities where the company operates and to the company stakeholders. However, the company still is undertaking more measures to improve the environment. The company has taken key measures in improving the environment, which focus mainly on environmental performance measures of the company systems. These measures include improving the company operations and improving ways of conducting business which are geared towards minimize environmental effects that the company has. The environment impacts created by the company operations from the company bottling systems are for example sustainable packaging inventiveness, protection of climate and â€Å"eco-freshment†, the company has undertaken alternative refrigeration programs that are more environmental friendly. To further improve the environment, Cocacola Corporation has invested a lot in clean technology that fuels the company innovations; this includes the environment board; the company community and watershed schemes; and making partnerships with charity organization, non governmental agencies and peer companies that targets developing solutions that are innovative towards environmental issues. The Coca-Cola Corporation which is a global corporation has a unique challenge in managing the environmental effects to the company business. The corporation has a challenge because it does not own nor manage many of coca cola bottling companies around the world. Thus, these data will examine the corporation environmental management. Water The most essential need for all life forms is water; however accessing safe and clean water has remained dream to many. It is estimated that around 1. 3 billion people allover the world do not reach to clean and safe water. This has a great impact on the environment as a whole. Allover the world, from United Nations to community organizations are working in order to increase access to water, the company is doing its part by protecting and preserving water resources Water is an important factor in management of environment the corporation in line with undertaking sustainable water methods, it improved it water effectiveness by 4% in the year 2005, over three previous years the company has been improving its water efficiency, and the company projects that water efficiency usage will level off soon. To ensure this, the company has undertaken changes in product mix, meaning the growing of tea and coffee products; this is anticipated to make the company productions ways more water concentrated. The management in 2005 did a comprehensive risk analysis of water dangers that face the company systems and host communities in 811 company bottling plants and has continued in improving efficient water use. Wastewater disposal is an issue that the management is addressing by working with bottling partners in the whole world to improve wastewater treatment. In addition, conservation processes have been undertaken by the company and the company is strict on these processes to achieve and even surpasses applicable laws. The management has put up requirements for their bottling plant to have on site an effluent treatment plants that will be used in attaining the goal of increasing water efficiency. The goal of the company is to be 100% water efficiency by the year 2010 (Coca-Cola Our Brands 2007). The company is focusing on other projects that will address the issue of water scarcity in world. At the end of 2005, the company had established around 20 watershed joint ventures with local communities and to help in providing access to clean water and also sanitation services in the communities allover the world where the company have their bottling plants. In line with enhancing access to water the management of the company entered into partnerships with Emory Global center for Safe Water, the United Nations Foundations, Millennium Water Alliance and others in establish Global Water Challenge. This all important combination aim at providing safe water for drinking, improving sanitation together with hygienic education in developing countries. The program depends on collaboration of partners, funding, mobilizing additional partners, and sharing of resources, best practices and expertise. Global Water Challenge has a program Water for Schools which focus on supplying water and also sanitation to many schools in Kenya in nyanza province. There is already great prospective of implementing the same project elsewhere. These efforts greatly enhance environment. Packaging Coca-Cola beverage is taken by people allover the world over 1. 3 times in a day, in order for the company to satisfy this consumption rate, the company depends upon packaging its products in containers. These containers are offer protection and enable distribution of the products to the consumer. The management has been working throughout in enhancing environmental along side social value packaging, by improving designs of containers in order to meet the set standards. In the year 2005 the company made a lot of progress towards achieving sustainable packaging distinction (Coca-Cola Our Brands 2007). The company has pursed environmental friendly way of packing by reducing amount of material used on its can, bottles and polyethylene terephthalate. In 2005 the new technology of the company reduced use of glass by 52, 000 tons annual ii all of its plants in the world. The managed has also managed to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. In line with keeping the environment clean, the management has come up with recycling systems which are more efficient. An example of such recycling plants is CEMPRE in Brazil. These recycling plants have been used to produce recycled containers which the company reuses. This initiative have gone along way in improving the overall environment as broken bottles and cans used to pause a danger to the environment(Coca-Cola Our Brands 2007). Solid waste and recycling The management of the company is committed in having an efficient lasting waste management that will reduce waste generated in the company’s plants and facilities. Majority of waste products around 98% is created in the bottling process, the waste products includes products like empty containers, plastics wraps secondary packaging and many more. (Pendergrast 2006). The management makes efforts to reuse or recycle such materials have continued to improve the efficient of managing the wastes. In the year 2005 the company achieved a 3% improvement of waste management from the previous year. The view to the environment this is a positive aspect from the company as waste management has always poised a serious challenge to many manufacturing plants. Energy and climate Global climatic changes and global warming have become an issue of create concern to the world. Companies are requested to reduce the amount of carbon emissions that they emit to the environment. Energy saving is another important issue that is being stressed. In terms of saving energy, the management of the company has developed a sustainable technology of refrigeration. The technology â€Å"eKOfreshment†has seen more than 4,000 CO2 refrigerated cooler on the market and a demand for more has already been created. These coolers are much environmental friendly and the company intend to produce more of them slowly by slowly to take over the old ones. In addition the management is introducing new energy management solutions by the year 2010. Today, the company cold drinks apparatus are over 40% more effective than ten years ago. This has reduced the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment by 700,000 tons per year which is same as removing 150,000 vehicles from the roads. In so doing the company has management to improve the environment management (Pendergrast 2000).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Turbo Or Nitrous :: essays research papers
Turbo or Nitrous      As you are driving, you see many cars going over the speed limit. Many of the drivers are into racing and modifying their cars. In most cars there are two major modifications that can be done, they are; turbo kit, or a nitrous kit. Both increase horsepower dramatically, but one is instant and the other goes into effect after a certain rpm.      Turbo, is a turbine that is connected to your engines air intake that spins to create explosive power at high rpm's. This is something that with minor modifications can be done to almost any car in the market. Turbo comes in many different sizes depending on the type of engine you have and how much power you want. When a turbo is installed in a car it is considered a difficult upgrade but an upgrade that will make you car run better and faster. It also doesn't shorten the life of your engine if done properly. The only problem with a turbo is the price. Turbo's range anywhere from 2,000 dollars to 5,000 dollars and many other minor modifications must be made which also increase cost.      Nitrous, is something totally different from turbo. Nitrous is a gaseous mixture that is either directly injected into your engine's pistons or into you intake manifold. Nitrous is cheap and gives you a lot of power. It costs about 500 dollars and depending on how much you want to spray is how much horsepower your engine will receive. A 50 shot of nitrous gives you about 45 more horsepower. What is impressive about nitrous, is that you only use it when you want because all you have to do is flip a switch and then it works. The down side of nitrous is that it burns your engine, and if used frequently it will damage your engine beyond repair.      While turbo gives you horsepower at high rpm's, nitrous is instant at anytime. Turbo is very costly, while nitrous is extremely cost efficient. Nitrous can be temporary and turbo is permanent. Turbo requires many minor modifications and nitrous doesn't require any.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Reaction Paper About Solas
They discussed about the emergency situations, evacuation, survival crafts and rescue boat, personal life-saving appliances, survival at sea and emergency radio equipment. In emergency situations we should be observant in what happen into our surroundings. Also we should know the muster station. We can be able to know our duties and responsibilities during emergency and the signals for these emergencies just by looking at the muster list. The general alarm has seven short blasts and one long blast on the ships whistle followed by public address of the master/captain. In survival crafts and rescue boats there are different types of lifeboats these are open, partially enclosed and totally enclosed. There are types of life rafts also these are enclosed inflatable life raft and rigid life raft.In Personal Life-Saving Appliances we should know the things that can help us during emergencies. Example of things that can help us are lifejackets, lifebuoy, lifebuoy with self-igniting light, im mersion suit, thermal protective aid (TPA) and pyrotechnics. There are kinds of pyrotechnics the rocket parachute flare usually this kind of flare can last long for 40 seconds, Hand flare can last long for 60 seconds, buoyant orange smoke signal gives off smoke for 3 minutes it can use only for day time only. On our training for Elementary First I think I become more competent to take immediate action upon encountering an accident or medical emergency until the arrival of the person in charge of medical care on board. I have learned how to do the bandaging, to control the blood, to rescue unconscious person.FPFF or FirePrevention and Firefighting this course discuss mainly about Fire on how to prevent and extinguish it.Proficiency in Personal Survival TechniqueA trainee will be able to react in a correct manner during emergency situations, take measures appropriate to his own survival and to the survival of others, and use survival equipment correctly.Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting A trainee will be competent to take appropriate measures for the safety of personnel and of the ship and will also have knowledge of fire prevention. The trainee will be taught how to use the fire appliances correctly.Personal Safety & Social ResponsibilityThis will give new seafarers an insight into the various elements of a ship and the working procedures onboard so that they can adjust to the shipboard environment and be better prepared to cope with any unforeseen circumstances.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Education: No child left behind Essay
Education is the transmission of knowledge from one person to the other person. It acts as a revolutionary force not only to transmit but transmute. It helps an individual to develops, nurture and inculcates oneself. It is therefore the right of every individual to acquire education in order to make his future better. The purpose of education is to transfer knowledge and to make one aware of its own talents and potential. It helps society to progress by making them productive. People become a productive of the society instead of just being a burden on it. It develops creativity and encourages children to explore the ideas and hidden facts, discover new things and advance forward in life as a reputable figure. It also broad their minds and develops tolerance in them. Today despite of globalization there are so many children who are left behind in this race of life. There are many reasons for these children to be uneducated. Some does not have enough resources to get education. Some does not have peace in their countries and are engaged in wars. Some are opposed by their families. Some do not have proper education system structures. If we talk about these reasons individually we find that a child wants education but it is the circumstances which force them to move their motives to the other things. One of the most important reasons is the deficiency of resources for the child. A child born in a poor family is destined to be uneducated because his parents do not have enough money to pay for his school fees. These children are also neglected by their parents because of their poverty and their struggle with life. These children do not even get home education because their parents are not also educated. These children just learn how to fight the life and forget about the education and their generations keep on inheriting illiteracy. However now government and non-governmental organizations have realized and have taken steps to provide education to everyone. They have started incentive schemes and are even providing free education. Some of the children do not get education because their countries are at war. Instead of learning counting numbers they learn to count dead bodies around them. They suffer a huge loss while people fight over for power. Now leaders have realized this and they have brought their fight on the table. Some of the children are opposed by their families because of their catholic and conservative thinking. This approach is usually taken for girls. They think that girls do not need education because they have to look after their house and kitchen. For this now different organizations have started campaigns to aware people about the benefits of educations. As people have progressed they now have become aware of need of education and making sure that it reaches every one and no child is left behind.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Outbreak essays
Outbreak essays The single biggest threat to mans continues dominance is the virus. In the movie Outbreak a hemorrhagic virus took the lives of many people in a matter of days. This deadly virus was called the Motaba virus. Even though the virus is so small compared to us it is amazing how it has the power to take down so many things that are so much larger than it self. The virus, the way it spreads, and the effect it has, directly relates to the material we have covered this year in biology. The Motaba virus is a hemorrhagic disease in which your internal organs in a sense melt away which causes extreme internal bleeding. In the movie Outbreak the virus strikes in a small village at first and it kills its victims within 2-3 days. It attacks the immune system and multiplies very rapidly and all of your cells become infected. The virus directly infects humans because of the similarity between monkey and human genetics. Monkey and Human genetics are very similar when looking at and comparing their DNA. The reason why the virus transmitted so quickly to humans without having to mutate was because the DNA of humans and monkeys are so similar that there didnt have to be any mutations in the virus for it to survive in the human body. There are two different strains of the virus, which mutate in the host, a monkey. The host is immune to the virus and has an antibody that can cure the virus. The host has both the first and second strain of the virus. Viruses have to mutate in order to survive in different environments so when the monkey got to Cedar Creek it had to adapt to the way things were there, which meant that the virus mutated also so it could survive. Viruses and bacteria can be transmitted in a variety of ways. Viruses can be transmitted through direct contact which in other words means that it can be transferred through having physical contact with an individual whom is sick, it can be passed thr ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The History of the Zipper and How It Became Mainstream
The History of the Zipper and How It Became Mainstream It was a long way up for the humble zipper, the mechanical wonder that has kept our lives together in many ways. The zipper has passed through the hands of several dedicated inventors, though none convinced the general public to accept the zipper as part of everyday life. It was the magazine and fashion industry that made the novel zipper the popular item it is today. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images The story begins when Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine, who received a patent in 1851 for an Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure. It didnt go much further beyond that, though. Perhaps it was the success of the sewing machine, that caused Elias not to pursue marketing his clothing closure system. As a result, Howe missed his chance to become the recognized Father of the Zip. Forty-four years later, inventor Whitcomb Judson marketed a Clasp Locker device similar to system described in the 1851 Howe patent. Being first to market, Whitcomb got credit for being the inventor of the zipper. However, his 1893 patent did not use the word zipper. The Chicago inventors Clasp Locker was a complicated hook-and-eye shoe fastener. Together with businessman Colonel Lewis Walker, Whitcomb launched the Universal Fastener Company to manufacture the new device. The clasp locker debuted at the 1893 Chicago Worlds Fair and was met with little commercial success. Gideon Sundbck / Public domain / via Wikimedia Commons It was a Swedish-born electrical engineer named Gideon Sundback whose work helped make the zipper the hit it is today. Originally hired to work for the Universal Fastener Company, his design skills and a marriage to the plant-managers daughter Elvira Aronson led to a position as head designer at Universal. In his position, he improved the far from perfect Judson C-curity Fastener. When Sundbacks wife died in 1911, the grieving husband busied himself at the design table. By December of 1913, he came up with what would become the modern zipper. Gideon Sundbacks new-and-improved system increased the number of fastening elements from four per inch to 10 or 11, had two facing-rows of teeth that pulled into a single piece by the slider and increased the opening for the teeth guided by the slider. His patent for the Separable Fastener was issued in 1917. Sundback also created the manufacturing machine for the new zipper. The S-L or scrapless machine took a special Y-shaped wire and cut scoops from it, then punched the scoop dimple and nib and clamped each scoop on a cloth tape to produce a continuous zipper chain. Within the first year of operation, Sundbacks zipper-making machine was producing a few hundred feet of fastener per day. The popular zipper name came from the B. F. Goodrich Company, which decided to use Gideons fastener on a new type of rubber boots or galoshes. Boots and tobacco pouches with a zippered closure were the two chief uses of the zipper during its early years. It took 20 more years to convince the fashion industry to seriously promote the novel closure on garments. In the 1930s, a sales campaign began for childrens clothing featuring zippers. The campaign advocated zippers as a way to promote self-reliance in young children as the devices made it possible for them to dress in self-help clothing. A landmark moment happened in 1937 when the zipper beat the button in the Battle of the Fly. French fashion designers raved over the use of zippers in mens trousers and Esquire magazine declared the zipper the Newest Tailoring Idea for Men. Among the zippered flys many virtues was that it would exclude The possibility of unintentional and embarrassing disarray. The next big boost for the zipper came when devices that open on both ends arrived, such as on jackets. Today the zipper is everywhere and is used in clothing, luggage, leather goods and countless other objects. Thousands of zipper miles are produced daily to meet the needs of consumers, thanks to the early efforts of the many famous zipper inventors.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Asian Financial Crises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
The Asian Financial Crises - Essay Example The result was a much deeper Crisis than was necessary or inevitable ( Radelet and Sachs, 1998, p 12). †Asian financial crises led to the development of technology or psychology. Also, the availability of credit led to the creation of a leveraged economic environment and led to increases in the prices of assets to a level which the Asian countries could not sustain. The increase in asset prices, at last, collapsed, making companies and individuals fail to meet their debt obligations. If it could not be for the collapsing of the companies and organizations, the Asian countries would be far ahead with developments. The withdrawal of loans by the lenders also played a major role in development in Asian countries. The government of these countries had to implement new strategies that would not lead to declining of the standards of living of the people. They sought to borrow from the IMF and to refund at a certain interest. In addition, the exchange markets were engulfed with foreign currencies, hence depreciation on their currencies. In order to prevent loss of value of their currencies, the Asian country's government raised their interest rates so that they could attract foreign investors. These governments also intervened in the exchange markets by buying the excess currencies in the market at a fixed rate though neither of all these policies was sustained for long. Without the panic and contagion, the Asian countries were so stable and they were to be amongst the leading developed countries in the world. ‘‘ In fact, a socially irrational response in the sense that, without the panic, the situation was reasonably stable - the debt could have been repaid on plausible assumptions about the economic performance of companies, banks, and economies (Wade, 1998, p 2). â€
Friday, November 1, 2019
School Budgeting Processes Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
School Budgeting Processes - Coursework Example For this reason, I would like to state that the District Superintendent of Schools and the School Management Boards should provide school principals with the following information about the budgeting process for their respective schools: Â One of the most important lessons that each public school principal should have is the entire budgeting process. Therefore, the first thing that the District School Superintendent and boards of education should tell the school principals is about the type of budgeting strategy to be adopted in the school district. Having such information will definitely enable these school administrators to know the contributions which, as school administrators, they should be made towards a successful planning, drafting, and implementation of the school budget. Without a proper knowledge of this area, nothing much can be achieved so far. Â However, given that the budgeting process is being devolved to the school levels, the District School Superintendent should adequately inform school principals about the on-site budgeting process. They should be told everything about this new approach and be challenged to take the initiatives to budget for their own schools. As school administrators, the principals should be informed that it is their responsibility to coordinate with the office of the school bursar in order to make the necessary budget approximations during each financial year. Once they get such important information, they will take the necessary steps to lobby their teams so as to initiate the budget-making exercise after thoroughly considering all the sources of school revenues and identifying the most necessary areas to spend on. Â After informing the school principals that it is their mandate to oversee the success of on-site budgeting process in their respective schools, they should be challenged to be team players (Colander, 2007).
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